[南アジア研究センター協力] 東京カレッジ主催 Prof. Vinay Lal (UCLA) , ‘Gandhi and the Regime of (Human) Rights’
Prof. Vinay Lal (UCLA), ‘Gandhi and the Regime of (Human) Rights’
The paper, accompanied by an audio-visual presentation, will address the question of an emergent trend in what linguists call ‘code-switching’ and ‘code mixing’ in Hindi cinema, more notable since the turn of the century. The new mixed lingo has a name: Hinglish, which is to say, that it mixes Hin[di] with [Eng]lish, and to be sure, this is not unique either to cinema or Hindi. On the contrary, look around and it is obvious that it is consistent with a larger pattern across South Asian languages, and I suspect, across the globe. My own preferred term for this impure register is Hinglishtani for its faithfulness to the middling tongue which fell in the no-man’s Toba Tek Singh land, between India and Pakistan, and of course, between Hindi and Urdu. Interestingly, this was the dominant language of performance bestowed by an itinerant Parsi theatrical performance tradition and commercial Hindustani cinema emulated, expanded and embellished it. To the extent that Hindustani cinema was an urban, cosmopolitan, multilingual form born in the colonial era, English was always, already there in the dialogues and songs ever since films started talking. The question is: what did Hinglish look like in the 20th century Hindustani cinema, and what has changed after globalisation and liberalisation? One uneqivocal answer is the volume of English presence, but more seriously, why is it so? Relatedly, what are the functions entrusted to and affects created by the cinematic deployment of this new lingua franca?
南アジア研究センター・セミナー: Dr. Ravikant(Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi) ‘Hinglish in Hindustani Cinema’
2023年12月13日(水)18:30-20:00/13 December 2023 (Wed) 18:30-20:00
東京大学駒場キャンパス 14号館4階407号室/オンライン(ハイフレックス)
Room 407, 4th Floor, Bldg No.14, Komaba Campus, The University of Tokyo / Zoom (*)
Dr. Ravikant(Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi)
‘Hinglish in Hindustani Cinema’
The paper, accompanied by an audio-visual presentation, will address the question of an emergent trend in what linguists call ‘code-switching’ and ‘code mixing’ in Hindi cinema, more notable since the turn of the century. The new mixed lingo has a name: Hinglish, which is to say, that it mixes Hin[di] with [Eng]lish, and to be sure, this is not unique either to cinema or Hindi. On the contrary, look around and it is obvious that it is consistent with a larger pattern across South Asian languages, and I suspect, across the globe. My own preferred term for this impure register is Hinglishtani for its faithfulness to the middling tongue which fell in the no-man’s Toba Tek Singh land, between India and Pakistan, and of course, between Hindi and Urdu. Interestingly, this was the dominant language of performance bestowed by an itinerant Parsi theatrical performance tradition and commercial Hindustani cinema emulated, expanded and embellished it. To the extent that Hindustani cinema was an urban, cosmopolitan, multilingual form born in the colonial era, English was always, already there in the dialogues and songs ever since films started talking. The question is: what did Hinglish look like in the 20th century Hindustani cinema, and what has changed after globalisation and liberalisation? One uneqivocal answer is the volume of English presence, but more seriously, why is it so? Relatedly, what are the functions entrusted to and affects created by the cinematic deployment of this new lingua franca?
[南アジア研究センター協力]最新ドキュメンタリー映画から南アジアと世界の今を知る(Learn about South Asia and the World Today from the Latest Documentary Films)
Date & Time: Sunday, October 15, 2023
1:00 P.M. – “Raise Me a Memory” by Varun Trikha
3:00 P.M. – “Land of My Dreams ” by Nausheen Khan (scheduled to end at 5:00 P.M.)
Venue: Sakura Hall, Japanese Language Center for International Studies(JCL), Tokyo
University of Foreign Studies
Sakura Hall is located at No. 10 Japanese Language Center for International Students. Please refer to the following website.
Admission: Free
Guests: Dir Varun Trikha, Dir Nausheen Khan
Organized by South Asian Studies Center, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Co-organized by YIDFF
Co-operated by Center for South Asian Studies, The University of Tokyo
[南アジア研究センター共催] 環インド洋地域研究プロジェクト東京大学拠点セミナー Dr. H. Kumarasingham, ‘Eastminsters – State-Building in India and Sri Lanka Following British Rule’
Date & Time:
14 September 2023 (Thu) 15:00-17:00
Room 407, Bldg No.14, Komaba Campus, The University of Tokyo / Zoom (*)
Dr. Harshan Kumarasingham(University of Edinburgh)
‘Eastminsters – State-Building in India and Sri Lanka Following British Rule’
All of the Asian States that emerged from British rule in varying degrees took key substantial elements of the British Westminster system. This system was more commonly associated with the British settler countries like Australia, Canada and New Zealand where “kith and kin” links with Britain seemed to make this appropriate. However, the British and the South Asian indigenous elites in states like India and Sri Lanka saw advantages in applying this very British system to the very different context of the East. India and Sri Lanka did not have centuries to interpret and adjust in order to develop their constitution as the British had. Instead within months they needed to formulate and design a constitution and therefore invariably drew upon the system of their imperial master. The local elites with the involvement of external actors determined that Westminster could work in the East. Since the Westminster system is based on convention and ambiguity and not rigid rules and clarity the same Westminster system could be adopted and manipulated to produce diverse results and reactions that would shape their countries forever. These states therefore became Eastminsters that had clear institutional and political resemblances to Britain’s system, but with cultural and constitutional divergences from Westminster. This talk will compare India and Sri Lanka’s experience in the crucial state-building phase following independence and see how Eastminster impacted them with lasting importance
Dr. H. Kumarasingham is Reader in Politics and History at the University of Edinburgh. He is a political historian of Britain, the British Empire and the Commonwealth. His recent work cover the decolonisation of the British Empire and subsequent state-building that followed. He is the author of many works, including A Political Legacy of the British Empire: Power and the Parliamentary System in Post-Colonial India and Sri Lanka, Constitution-Making in Asia – Decolonisation and State-Building the Aftermath of the British Empire, and most recently he co-edited The Cambridge Constitutional History of the United Kingdom. He is Co-Editor of the Transactions of the Royal Historical Society.
[南アジア研究センター共催] 東京外国語大学南アジア研究センター・映画上映会「適所を探して 移住女性たちの知られざる物語/ Finding Their Niche: Unheard Stories of Migrant Women」(監督 ワダワ メイガ/Megha Wadhwa)
東京外国語大学 研究講義棟 2階, 226教室
東京外国語大学南アジア研究センター, 東京大学南アジア研究センター
[南アジア研究センター共催] 東京外国語大学南アジア研究センター2023年度第1回公開セミナー「南アジアからの国際労働移動」
辻田祐子(日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所 主任研究員)
南アジア研究センター・セミナー:Dr. Trent Brown, ‘Skill India in the Countryside: Expectations, Disappointments, and Possibilities’
東京大学駒場キャンパス 14号館4階407室/オンライン(ハイフレックス)
Dr. Trent Brown(Tokyo College, The University of Tokyo) ‘Skill India in the Countryside: Expectations, Disappointments, and Possibilities’
The Skill India initiative has aimed to dramatically upscale and reform India’s skill development sector, both to boost economic productivity and address chronic problems of unemployment and social exclusion. Available evidence, however, suggests rather disappointing outcomes from the initiative, both in terms of macro-level policy objectives and its micro-level impacts on people’s lives. Research in the social sciences, for example, suggests those who have undertaken training as part of Skill India’s new training programs have gained access to only entry level jobs with limited prospects for upward career mobility.
In this presentation, Trent Brown will present his research findings on the impacts of recently introduced skill trainings within the agricultural sector. His research shows that irrespective of the quality of training imparted, many trainees are not able to utilise the skills they gained in desired ways due to local social and institutional constraints. Moreover, while trainees came to expect that obtaining certified skills through Skill India training programs would facilitate access to financial benefits (such as loans from banks and government subsidies), this rarely eventuated, leading to feelings of disappointment and, in some cases, significant financial losses. Yet, the research also shows how trainees appropriate skills in novel ways for the empowerment of themselves and others, using them to challenge restrictive social norms and explore new ways of relating to their social and ecological environments.
東京大学南アジア研究センター/環インド洋地域研究プロジェクト (TINDOWS)、東京外国語大学南アジア研究センター
[南アジア研究センター共催] マハーラーシュトラ研究会
オンライン/ 東京大学本郷キャンパス・東洋文化研究所3階・第1会議室(ハイフレックス)
千田聡美(Deccan College Post Graduate and Research Institute)
千田 聡美(Deccan College Post Graduate and Research Institute)
本研究は、日本語とマラーティー語における副詞節(主に論理文にカテゴライズされる条件文、理由文、譲歩条件文、譲歩文)の機能と形式を比較するものである。マハーラーシュトラ州はデリー首都圏、タミル・ナドゥー州に次いでインドで3番目に日本語学習者が多い州である(国際交流基金 2018)。プネー市で実施される日本語能力試験では、毎年約6000名もの学習者が受験する。これらの日本語学習の人気の裏には、「日本語が母語のマラーティー語と文法が似ていて学びやすい言語である」という通説がある。本発表は、副詞節の対照研究を通して、日本語とマラーティー語の文法機能の類似点と相違点を整理することを目指している。
国際交流基金 (2018)「1-3a 州・市別日本語教育機関数・教師数・学習者数(学習者数内訳)」, 『海外日本語教育機関調査報告書』 https://www.jpf.go.jp/j/project/japanese/survey/result/survey18.html(2023 年1月30日 最終アクセス)
マハーラーシュトラ研究会, 東京大学南アジア研究センター