- 「南アジアの市民形成と中等教育」
日時: 2020年3月20日(金・祝)13:00-15:15
場所: 東京大学駒場キャンパス
13:00-13:05 趣旨説明
13:05-13:50 渡辺雅幸(びわこ学院大学)
「国際バカロレアにおける「市民」の形成 -インドの事例を交えて」
14:00-14:45 茶谷智之(松本短期大学)
14:45-15:15 全体討論
- 日時:2020年3月7日(土) 13:00-18:00
Chair: Riho Isaka (The University of Tokyo)
14:00-14:05 Eijiro Hazama (The University of Tokyo / JSPS)
“Conscience or Antarātmā? An Ineffable Nature of Gandhi’s Trilingual Politics”
14:10-14:25 Comment by Professor Crispin Bates (The University of Edinburgh)
14:25-14:40 Comment by Professor Akio Tanabe (The University of Tokyo)
14:40-15:10 General Discussion
- 共催:東京大学グローバル地域研究機構
日時:2020年3月7日(土) 13:00-18:00
Chair: Riho Isaka (The University of Tokyo)
13:00-13:50 Eijiro Hazama (The University of Tokyo / JSPS)
Opening Remarks and
“Conscience or Antaratma? An Ineffable Nature of Gandhi’s Trilingual Politics”
14:00-15:05 Ajay Skaria (University of Minnesota)
“Political Friendship: Thinking with Gandhi”
15:15-16:20 Vinay Lal (UCLA)
“Gandhi’s Inner Voice: The State, Regimes of Rights, and Moral Responsibility”
16:30-17:00 Comment by Crispin Bates (The University of Edinburgh) and
Akio Tanabe (The University of Tokyo)
17:00-18:00 General Discussion
- 共催:科研基盤研究(A)「南アジアの産業発展と日系企業のグローバル生産ネットワーク」
日時:2020年3月7日(土) 13:00-17:20
13:00-14:20 山本明日香(神戸大学)
14:30-15:50 長田華子(茨城大学)
「The Production Subcontracting System of Major Underwear Brands and the
Home-Based Workers: The Case of West Bengal, India」
16:00-17:20 鎌田伊佐生(新潟県立大学)
「Labor Market Flexibility and Inward Foreign Direct Investment」
- 日時:2020年3月5日(木) 16:00-19:00
・David Lowe (Deakin University)
‘The Colombo Plan for aid to South and Southeast Asia: regional possibilities
and processes in new aid diplomacy of the long 1950s’
・Riho Isaka (The University of Tokyo)
‘The Bene Israel elite in colonial India and the debates on Palestine:
Empire, Nationalism, and Zionism’
・Akio Tanabe (The University of Tokyo)
‘Anti-Racism and Spiritual Universalism: Connectivity and Diversion of
Transnational Nationalisms of Japan and India’
・Keiko Yamada (Ibaraki University)
‘Rabindranath Tagore’s visits to Ibaraki’
Discussant: Rohan D’Souza (Kyoto University)
Chair: Akihiro Sawada (Takushoku University)
- “Pan-Asianism in the Times of Nation States: India, China, and the
Failure of the Asian Relations Conference”
日時:2020年2月14日(金) 17:00-19:00
報告者:Tansen Sen(NYU Shanghai)
討論者:Tsuyoshi Ishii(The University of Tokyo)、David Lowe(Deakin University)
- 共催:科研基盤研究(A)「南アジアの産業発展と日系企業のグローバル生産ネットワーク」
日時:2020年2月8日(土) 13:30-18:00
原口 華奈(神戸大学大学院国際協力研究科 博士後期課程)
黒崎 卓(一橋大学経済研究所)
石上 悦朗(福岡大学商学部)
- 共催: 科研基盤研究(A)「南アジアの産業発展と日系企業のグローバル生産ネットワーク」/科研基盤研究(C)「ミクロデータからみたインドの人口・労働・不平等の長期動向」
日時: 2019年12月13日(金)13:30 ~ 17:00
会場: 神戸大学経済経営研究所 会議室(新館2階)
対象: 教員、院生、学部生、および同等の知識をお持ちの方
13:30-14:30 “Job Involvement, Organizational Commitment, Professional
Commitment, and Team Commitment: A Study of Generational Diversity in India”
Ajay SINGH(Human Rsourse Management, Indian Institute of Management
(IIM) Lucknow)
14:30-15:10 “The Linkage of Competitiveness: Competitive Advantage of
Maruti Suzuki”
上野 正樹(南山大学経営学部)
15:20-16:20 ”Workers in the Auto Industry in India: A Fresh look at India’s
Periodic Labour Force Survey”
佐藤 隆広(神戸大学経済経営研究所)
16:20-17:00 質疑応答
安保 哲夫(東京大学名誉教授/神戸大学経済経営研究所 リサーチフェロー) -
- 共催: 神戸大学(科研基盤研究(A)「南アジアの産業発展と日系企業のグローバル生産ネットワーク」/科研基盤研究(B)「経済発展政策の政治経済学的分析:理論モデル分析とインドにおける実証研究」/科研基盤研究(B)「南アジアのコネクティビティとインド-越境インフラを巡る政治と経済」)
日時: 2019年9月28日(土) 13:30-17:40
場所: 神戸大学経済経営研究所 兼松記念館 1F 調査室プログラム/Program
13:30-14:30 Matthew McCartney(Oxford School of Global and Area Studies,
University of Oxford)
“The China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC): The Economic
Impact on Pakistan”
14:30-15:30 Atsushi Kato(Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda
“Elite Politics vs. Mass Politics: Electricity Tariffs in
15:30-15:40 Break
15:40-16:40 Atsushi Fukumi(School of Economics and Management, University
of Hyogo)
“Electricity and Agricultural Development in Punjab”
16:40-17:40 Takahiro Sato(RIEB, Kobe University)
“Social and Economic Changes in a Punjab Village: A Long-Term
- 日時: 2019年8月3日(土)14:00-17:30
場所: 神戸大学経済経営研究所 会議室(新館2階)
共催: 基盤研究(A)「南アジアの産業発展と日系企業のグローバル生産ネットワーク」
14:00-15:00 山本明日香(神戸大学院)
15:00-16:00 長田華子(茨城大学)
16:10-17:10 宇佐美好文(日本南アジア学会)
17:10-17:30 質疑応答
- 佐々木宏・鳥山まどか編著による「子どもの貧困」に関する出版(※)を機に、日本と南アジアの「子ども・若者の貧困」についての研究会を開催しました。編者の一人であり日本とインドの「教育と貧困」についてご研究されている佐々木宏先生、および本書著者のお一人堅田香緒里先生からの問題提起を受けて、またインド地域研究者の押川文子先生からのレスポンスを頂いて、議論を深めました。
※ 佐々木宏・鳥山まどか(編著)2019『シリーズ子どもの貧困③教える・学ぶ-教育に何ができるか』明石書店
日時: 2019年8月1日(木) 13:00-17:00
場所: 神戸女学院大学文学館L-19
テーマ: 「ポストモラトリアム時代」の子ども・若者研究の検討―日本と南アジアの現在
共催: 南アジア地域研究広大拠点(HINDAS)、科研基盤(C)「インド地方都市における職業教育学校の調査研究」、科研国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化A)「現代バングラデシュの若者のアイデンティティポリティクスからみる社会変動」
13:00- 趣旨説明
13:10-14:30 佐々木宏(広島大学)『シリーズ 子どもの貧困③教える・学ぶ』の問題意識
14:45-15:45 堅田香緒里(法政大学)<教育>化する「子どもの貧困」政策の再検討
15:45-16:15 押川文子(京都大学名誉教授)コメント
16:15-17:00 全体討論
- 日時: 2019年7月21日(日)13:30-17:10
場所: 広島大学大学院 文学研究科1階 大会議室(東広島キャンパス)
共催: 南アジア地域研究京都大学拠点(KINDAS)、南アジア地域研究広島大学拠点(HINDAS)
13:30- 趣旨説明と自己紹介
13:40-14:30 後藤拓也(広島大学)
14:30-15:20 中川加奈子(追手門学院大学)
15:30-16:20 下門直人(同志社大学)
16:20-17:10 ケシャブ・ラル・マハラジャン(広島大学)
「Marketing and Trade of Agricultural Produce in Northern Part
of Indian Subcontinent」
- 日時: 2019年7月20日(土) 13:30-17:00
場所: 神戸大学経済経営研究所 会議室(新館2階)
共催: 南アジア地域研究京都大学拠点(KINDAS)、南アジア地域研究広島大学拠点(HINDAS)
13:30-13:40 趣旨説明
13:40-14:40 深澤 光樹(東洋大学経済学部)
14:50-15:50 川中 薫(国際ファッション専門職大学国際ファッション学部)
16:00-17:00 水野 敦子(九州大学経済学研究院)
- 日時: 2019年7月16日(火) 10:00-14:00
場所: 駒場キャンパス18号館4階コラボレーションルーム4
進行: 水島 司
報告: Hsiung-Ming Liao (Academia Sinica)
“Spatial-Temporal Information Database System”
- 日時: 2019年7月6日(火) 14:00-17:30
場所: 神戸大学経済経営研究所 会議室(新館2階)
共催: 科研基盤研究(A)「南アジアの産業発展と日系企業のグローバル生産ネットワーク」
14:00-15:00 Shuji Uchikawa, Senshu University
“Weak Nexus Between Organised and Unorganised Sectors within
India’s Manufacturing Industry”
15:00-16:00 Atsuyuki Kato, Kanazawa University
“Trade Wars between ASEAN, China and India”
16:10-17:10 Arup Mitra, Institute of Economic Growth
“TFPG and Employment: A Panel Data Analysis”
17:10-17:30 質疑応答
- 日時:2019年6月18日(火) 17:00-18:10
17:00-17:50 Sonia Krishna Kurup ‘Female Labour Migration in India: Smart
Femininity, Familial Labour & Social Network’
17:50-18:10 Discussion
Feminist scholars have often contested the dichotomy associated with gendered
analysis of internal migration in India that identifies male mobility primarily
within the purview of labour and female migration as marriage driven. Many
historical studies have explored women’s early work-based migration in
professions such as nursing and teaching. This paper studies the experiences
of educated, middle class women from Nair and Christian communities who
had migrated from the southernmost state of Kerala, between the late 1960s
to early 1980s, to work in clerical positions in the various defence establishments
in Pune, a prominent urban area close to Mumbai. A combination of factors
facilitated their migration and employment. These include the presence
of an influential, caste-based migration network of Malayalis in Pune;
the female migrant’s desire to supplement familial income and enable social
mobility; their status as single and educated women at the time of migration;
and the requirements of unpaid familial labor from female kin. The paper
proposes a new conceptual framework that incorporates the concepts of ‘saving’
and ‘smart femininity’ to examine the interstate migration of women for
labor in early postcolonial India. Being a single (or to be married) and
educated woman from certain regional, caste or communal background involved
in internal migration is central to this concept of smart femininity. The
article, through oral narratives of women along with archival data, situates
their lives and memories within the socio-political economies of Kerala
and Pune. The work contributes to the historical understanding of internal
migration, women’s labour force participation, and formation of gendered
identities in developing countries such as India.
Speaker Bio:
Sonia Krishna Kurup is a research scholar at K S P Women’s Studies Centre,
S P Pune University. She obtained her MA from Centre for Historical Studies,
JNU, New Delhi. She is currently studying identity formation among women
involved in internal labor migration in India from a feminist perceptive.
- Speaker: Professor Sonam Kinga
Speaker’s Bio:
Dr. Sonam Kinga is currently a Visiting Professor at the Graduate School
of Asian and African Areas Studies (ASAFAS) at Kyoto University, Japan.
He is based in Bhutan and teaches at the Royal Institute of Governance
and Strategic Studies (since 2013). He was also a Visiting Research Fellow
at the Institute of Developing Economies, Chiba (2002), a founding member
of The Centre for Bhutan Studies (1999-2004) and founding Editor of Bhutan
Observer, a private newspaper (2006).
He was elected twice to the Upper House of Bhutan’s Parliament called the
National Council for two consecutive terms since the introduction of parliamentary
democracy. In his first term (2008-13), he was also elected as the Deputy
Chairperson and in the second term (2013-2018) as the Chairperson of the
Council. He also served on various parliamentary committees.
His area of academic interests are Bhutanese history, literature and politics.
Some of his books are Kingship, Polity and Democracy (2009), Changes in
Bhutanese Social Structure (2002), Speaking Statues, Flying Rocks (2004)
and Gaylong Sumdar Tashi (1999). His forthcoming publications include Democratic
transition in Bhutan: political contests as moral battles which will be
published by Routeledge. The book is based on his Ph. D dissertation. He
earned his Ph.D in Area Studies from ASAFAS in 2010.
He is a distinguished public servant. He has been awarded the Gold Medal
(National Order of Merit) in 2014 and the highest honour of Nyikelma (Red
Scarf) in 2012 and hence, the title of ‘Dasho’ by His Majesty the King
during the National Day Celebrations.Title:
‘DEMOCRATIC TRANSITION IN BHUTAN: political contest as moral battle’
In the historic elections of Bhutan in 2008, which marked the introduction
of parliamentary democracy, only two political parties: Druk Phuensum Tshogpa
(DPT) and People’s Democratic Party (PDP), participated. In absence of
ideological differences between them, DPT cast the elections as moral contest
between good and evil whereas PDP focused on highlighting change and service
delivery. In constructing itself as the good party, DPT deployed symbols
and associations with Bhutan’s respected and successful monarchy.
After its electoral victory, DPT re-cast the narrative into an ascribed
contest between the powerless and powerful. It projected itself as the
powerless one, and went on to undermine some of the King’s constitutionally-defined
prerogative as well as royal projects, which were initiated for the long-term
benefit of the country and the people. After the end of its tenure in 2013
and the subsequent defeat in the second general elections on 13 July that
year, it alleged the palace, among others, as the cause of its defeat.
The public but unfounded allegations, which were made during its convention
a week later, had left a painful and indelible dent on Bhutan’s national
Rather than react, the King rose above political pressures so that he continues
to represent national unity and support the consolidation of democracy.
On 13 March 2019, the United Nations Development Program recognized his
leadership for the success of Bhutan’s democracy and presented a special
award. This seminar, based on my forthcoming book from Routledge, will
analyze political discourse, policies and actions centering on the construction
of DPT’s narrative and their expression in everyday politics of the first
five years of Bhutanese democracy.
- Date: Friday, 24th May 2019, 14:00 – 16:30
Venue: Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, Hongo Campus, the University
of Tokyo
14:00-14:50 Taberez A. Neyazi (National University of Singapore)‘Internet
vernacularization and populist mobilization in India’
While there have been rapid transformations in the Internet ecosystem in
India, two transformations are quite discernible – 1) massive growth in
contents on the web in Indian vernacular languages, 2) and increasing numbers
of citizens, in both urban and rural areas, accessing the Internet in India’s
vernacular languages. These transformations, which I term Internet vernacularization,
have massive impacts on India’s political, cultural and economic spheres,
but have received little or no attention from scholars. Most of the existing
scholarships on Internet and politics in India, though extended our knowledge
on digital politics, treated Internet as homogenous space particularly
ignoring language diversity, which have massive impact the manner people
are using the platform and interacting with others. Drawing upon my earlier
work, I show Internet vernacularization has brought numerous diverse publics
into a web of networks, which are leading to increasing interactions between
the English-speaking middle classes and the vernacular masses, rural and
urban, as well as traditional and new media. This hybrid space has been
utilized for populist mobilization because of its ostensibly inclusive
character bringing disparate social groups in a web of networks. The symbolic
inclusion of diverse social forces, who were hitherto remained at the margin
of social order, are not necessarily empirically supported and are far
from evidence and truth-based logics. In this paper, I analyze the manner
in which Internet vernacularization has facilitated populist mobilization
and its ramifications for Indian democracy.15:20-16:10 Annu Jalais (National University of Singapore)‘Tigers, Buddhism
Islam and the realm of the Asian Anthropocene’
In light of Prasenjit Duara’s recent (2015) discussions on “dialogical
transcendence” and “circulatory histories” this paper will examine the
human:nonhuman interface offered by the symbol of the “tiger” – both as
a revered entity as well as a political beast – in South Asia. This will
be undertaken so as to explore the symbolism of “nature” and the “nonhuman”
animal in relation to “dialogical transcendence” and “circulatory histories”.
Increasingly, as scholarship on Asia begins to focus on the politics of
the Anthropocene, it is imperative to consider the nonhuman animal, in
this case the tiger, when evoking cosmological imaginations to debate environmental
predicaments. In other words, Duara’s introduction of “dialogical transcendence”
to pivot Asian imaginings for grappling with the human possibilities in
this epoch of the Anthropocene, make greater sense when explored through
the nonhuman.
- 日本南アジア学会九州部会・東京大学現代南アジア研究拠点(TINDAS)・基盤研究(A)「南アジアの産業発展と日系企業のグローバル生産ネットワーク」共催
13:35-14:25 安保哲夫(東京大学名誉教授・神戸大学)「新興地域における日本的ハイブリッド工場の戦略問題-生産システム移転と製品選択の適用と適応-」
14:25-15:15 関戸一平(東京大学)「インドにおける20世紀初頭の株式会社の地理学-県別の分析-」
15:25-16:25 和田一哉(金沢大学)「インドにおける土地所有と家計厚生」
16:25-17:25 眞鍋智裕(日本学術振興会)「不二一元論学派におけるバーガヴァタ・プラーナ受容の一方法」5月19日日曜日10:30-15:00
10:30-11:20 加藤篤行(金沢大学)”Exchange Rates and Intra-Firm Trade”
11:20-12:10 岡島成治(大阪経済大学)”Monetary and Moral Incentives of Behavioral
Interventions: Field Experimental Evidence from Energy Conservation?”
13:10-14:00 上池あつ子(神戸大学)「インド製薬企業におけるオープンイノベーション」
14:00-14:50 加藤篤史(早稲田大学)”Political Economy of Electricity Loss: Ruling
Parties and Support Bases”